Renting Heroes (Add-on to main game)
The game provides for the mechanics of renting out heroes, therefore, providing players with the opportunity for both: additional passive income and the ability to play all the gladiators from the very beginning without buying additional heroes.
Initially, the player can rent and hire one hero. It will be possible to open additional slots for hiring / renting. When you join a guild, you will be able to rent and hire an additional hero.
The player renting the character can set a time limit (date) and a rental rate for an hour of real time, which in turn guarantees that in the time set by him, the hero will be available.
You can rent up until the moment that guarantees that the hero will be available to the lender at the time set by him. A one-time rental payment applies at the time of confirmation of the lease calculated on an hourly basis and rented for full hours.
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