Tournament creation is another direction for content expansion. Fully automated weekly tournaments, quarterly, annual grand tournaments, and themed holidays are planned. Tournaments consist of two types that take place simultaneously. Player versus Player (PvP) and Player versus Environment (PvE).
The reward pool is calculated depending on the total amount of contributions of all participants. It is divided among the winners as a percentage.
There is an option for no entrance fees and all rewards are covered by the system. This approach can be used for holiday and grand tournaments. Using credits collected by the system in automatic tournaments.
A well-established system will be able to run entirely on player credits without requiring additional investments from the company.
Player versus Player
Tournaments take place in a ladder format with random battles. The system will choose opponents depending on the “honor” indicator (rank system) and provide a fixed number of fights to all players. Players can fight at any time within the time allotted for the tournament. Tournaments start on Saturdays and run through to Wednesdays. On Thursdays, the winners are counted, published, and rewarded. Friday is a conditional day off.
Team size and game mode may vary. It is possible to do a rotation of tournaments. It is determined for each tournament separately, and a certain sequence order is built. We try to capture all possible options for any style of play of players while maintaining interest in the game.
For each victory, the player receives tournament points, while for a defeat they are deducted. The list of ranks is displayed throughout the tournament with constant updates.
Player vs. Environment (Add-on to main game)
Tournaments take place in a ladder format. The player will have to conduct a certain number of battles in the allotted time. Time as in PvP allotted throughout the tournament. The maximum number of battles can be unlimited and is determined for each type of tournament separately.
Team size and game mode may vary. It is possible to rotate tournaments. It is determined for each tournament separately, and a certain sequence order is built. We try to capture all possible options for any style of play of players while maintaining interest in the game.
For each victory, the player receives tournament points, while for a defeat they are deducted. The list of ranks is displayed throughout the tournament with constant updates.
E-sport Tournaments
An automated knockout model was selected in advance with slot reservation requirements.
The main tournament direction of the game is based on a knockout mode. All fights of the tournament are held between teams of three people. Teams will be required to register in advance. It is possible to make a deposit - reservation of a slot in the network.
A model in which teams do not have to go through pre-qualifying games to register for the tournament. Games go to elimination in automatic mode.The odd team that is left defaults to the round. This type of model allows automated tournaments without the active intervention of the system. The number of slots for participants is unlimited.
All teams who missed their battle lose by default and the battle is not scored, the other team advances to the next bracket without any reward.
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