Rewards System

A good reward system helps to keep players not only in the game but in all areas of the project. Rewards can be different, from something as simple as gifts for daily visits to the game, rewards received through various events, to competitions on other platforms of the project outside the game.

Unlike today's mobile apps and some MMO projects, we are aiming for a less aggressive approach, avoiding constant spam attacks. Our goal is not to litter the players with unnecessary advertising and an endless series of opening windows with gifts. The spam approach does not fit with the overall structure of the game and the internal economic system.

Users playing GH are already involved, including economically. An aggressive spam policy will have a negative effect on such an audience. A more modest and moderate approach, taken aback, will have a relatively strong and more positive result.

Within the game, we aim to help focus players' attention in one direction or another by using gifts as a reward mechanic, inside and outside of the game.

One of these areas are achievements. The presence of significant achievements, unique achievements, and recurring achievements. We provide clear and understandable goals for players to strive for and for which they will be rewarded. Adding points in the overall P2E process, thus breaking a huge, hard-to-perceive piece into smaller and more understandable blocks.

Monthly prizes for the best places in the ladders will raise the spirit of rivalry between the players, which increases the involvement of the participants. The constant struggle for prizes not only increases the in-game economic turnover but can also reach platforms not related to the project, and social networks. Outside of the game, our goal is to engage players, work with the community, increase users and maintain the relevance of the project.

It is also possible to increase your presence in social networks with out-of-game contests. Conducting them on different platforms is an opportunity to attract new users. Conducting more large-scale contests in discord, telegram, medium with a decent reward - the influx of users will increase the platform. Small competitions can keep these platforms active all the time. Contests thematic should be related to the project, but can vary in format.

Tournament pass

The game will give the opportunity to participate in "battles on the ground" - "Land battle". These are fights where you can bet on the participating teams. By placing bets senators receive %. A team needs a pass to participate, all teams with a pass receive an additional reward for participating in tournaments.

Battle Pass

Players will have the option to purchase a battle pass. What exactly gets into the battle pass will be determined at a later stage. The main working vector is that it automatically opens all avatar customizations without the need to open them with achievements or crafts. All cosmetics, all boosts, and chants.

Achievements and Awards

There will be many achievements in the game and they are expanded with each season. At the moment a system is being considered in which achievements are divided into different types. Achievements will be collected into common packs, when all the achievements in the pack are opened, the player receives a reward chest.

For example, achieving several achievements in the creation of boosters. One category where the player crafts one booster of each type of the first level. The other is where the player crafts a booster of the same type but at level 1-2-3. For completing both lines, he receives an achievement and a reward.

Specific achievements have not yet been worked out, but the general trend will be as indicated above. Several vectors for which there can be achievements:

  • Craft boosters

  • Item crafting

  • Land improvement

  • Gladiators upgrade

  • Receiving gladiators which are added to your account

  • Gladiators skill level

  • Tournaments

  • Fights

In addition to the basic lines of achievements with a reward, there are more serious achievements for victories, leveling up heroes, improvements, etc.

Planned and unique achievements associated with seasonal tournaments where the winner can be only one along with other similar things.

Each season will have several achievements that can only be obtained during that season. With each season, new seasonal achievements will be introduced.

Competitions - Events

We plan constant competitions and events varying in scale and time. They will take place both inside the game and in the social space of the project. In the game, these will range from simple ones like “royal solo week” and “daily beat x opponents” to more specific “finish the enemy with the ultimate skill”.

Outside of the game, competitions are planned for project participants in addition to the usual referrals and subscriptions to more detailed ones, such as a competition for “fan art” on various topics or writing short stories of 2-3 pages.

With the introduction of new additions, the number and variability will only grow. An addition with a story component and AI battles will double the number of possible contests and events for the project.

When adding a system for creating battle arenas (map maker), it will be possible to hold constant competitions for arenas created by players, and the best ones will be able to get into the official map rotation.

Thematic events and competitions will be held every season.

Last updated